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The stimulus needs to be repeated througout the day, so that it's recorded in the children's neocortexes.
There's an potimal intensity for the application of these stimuli so that the chid's brain makes use of it.
It's another factor that ensures success, a short duration allows for learning, without tiring or stressing out the child, keeping them eager for the next session.
Is it easy? No; is it typical? Also no; but it's possible.
Know the importance of offering opportinities to babies, children and young people of reaching the possibilities of the development of their human potentials, including speach and reading..
With the Reading program and the Mathematics program the child learns to learn.
Learning is the most amazing adventure for humans!
When you sign up you can start stimulating your child right away in a Smart TV or a computer at any time, wherever there's access to the internet.
Using our platform, doing the reading program is much easier than the traditional way, the parents don't have to create all the material their child will use, because we alredy have over 2,172 words in our plaform separated into 50 categories. All of the content is customized by the parents, considering the child's tastes and interests.
Doing the Math Program in the Neuroganho platform is much easier because everything is automated: The presentation of quantities, the control of what has already been presented and what must not be used anymore, equations etc. The parents customize the program in each of the phases of equations for their child.
Many sessions are made throughout the day, each lasting less than 1 minute, so that the child doesn't get tired, but enough times so that the information can be registered in the cerebral cortex.
The time taken to learn varies from child to child, the sooner you start, the better! It also depends on the engagement in the platform and on the health of the child, for example, if they take controled medication it will take longer, due to the effects of the medication in the brain (always consult your doctor when it comes to your child's medication).
Author of the e-book "The Path to Neurological Organization" (that narrates an abridged version of her biography and axperience that you can get in the E-book section), mother of 2, one typical and one atypical, and is followint th path of neurological organization as a protagonist since 2002.
100% safe! We work with Hotmart as a payment tool so that you have full safety to purchase.
Inconditional guarantee of 7 days. If in 7 days you're not satisfied you can ask for a refund and the full price will be returned, no questions asked.
Yes!!! Many successful stimulation methods use the Reading Program and the Maths Program, amongst them, we highlight the Doman Method itself, Veras Method, Philadelphia Method, Trieb Method, besides the millions of parents arround the world that buy the books and teach at home, doing homeschooling.
You can access the Support and the programs in the website's platform, there's no need to purchase or install anything.
The subsription is valid during the period you purchased it for, always multiples of 3 months. Why three months? Because the Neuroplasticity cycles are completed every 8 to 12 weeks, thus, with a three months subscription one cycle is covered (more details on the support classes or in the bibliography below).
Using our Neuroganho platform, executing the Reading Program is much easier than the traditional way of doing it, the parents are freed from the burden of producing all of the material their child would use, because we already have over 2000 words in our platform separated into 50 categories.
Many sessions of less than 1 minute, so that it doesn't tire the child, are done but repeatedly so that the information is registered in the cortex.
You can access both the online course and the platform through the internet, you don't need to purchase or download any app.
The subscription is valid for a period of three months. Why three months? Because the Neuroplasticity cycles are completed in 8 to 12 weeks, this way, with one three month subscription it is possible to cover one cycle (more details about this in the course and in the bibliography below).
Many parents and families have questions about the execution of the Neurological Organization Program. The Support clarifies qustions about the application of the program's acrivities, based on the materials listed in our Bibliography below.
O Support is for who has already read the bibliography and for who didn't have the time, but want to stimulate their child at home. We made many videos explaining the most relevant aspects of the Neurological Organization Program. The Neurological Organization Support is entirely done through the internet. Yhis way, you can watch the videos from home, in your computer, smartphone or Smart TV. O Support is available to clarify questions throgu email or WhatsApp, besides helping through videocalls to unvail the development profile. Attention: The next class of 2020 will be in july, there is a limited ammount of people that can be in a single class. Request a reservation in the form at contact.
In the Programs section you'll find the description of the Reading Program and of the Math Program. When you click the Purchase button, you'll be redirected to the safe Hotmart page to do the payment.
The Support is opened only once every semester, usually near the beggining of the semester. Whoever wants to subscribe early may do so in our form below setting the subject line to Pre-subscription. These people will be invited through email to take part in the opening Livestream of the new class, where they can ask questions if they want to and then subscribe. We have the commitment to guide families with the best prectices and activities for stimulating the developmen of their child at home. Subscribe to be warned of the Livestream in the contact form.
Large scale program for inovative brazilian business.
Realization: Economy Ministery and Sebrae.
Execution: CERTI Foundation.
Approved InovAtiva 2020.1
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Realiztion Baanko, EBAC, Impactlab, Legado Institute, Vila Velha University;
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Support: Unibh, Seed, Sebraelab, Órbi, Ied
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Realization: Ministério da Economia and Sebrae.
Execution: CERTI Foundation.
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